As children, José and Durval discovered their musical talent seeing it as an opportunity to help their family. Despite being known as Chitãozinho and Xororó, they feel like giving up as professional and family issues arise.
Hugo Prata
Andrea Horta, Rodrigo Simas, Felipe Simas
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As Aventuras de José e Durval S1
EP 1 - Nascemos Para Cantar
As Aventuras de José e Durval S1
EP 1 - Nascemos Para Cantar
The Lima grieve the death of their younger daughter. Rosária ruins her father's songbook, and to avoid the confusion, José and Durval sing to the family for the first time.

As Aventuras de José e Durval S1
EP 2 - Infância Roubada
As Aventuras de José e Durval S1
EP 2 - Infância Roubada
Playing, José and Durval release Barnabé's pigs. Led by Mário, the Lima Brothers compete at the fair. Araci and Mário face financial and health difficulties.

As Aventuras de José e Durval S1
EP 3 - As Dores Do Crescimento
As Aventuras de José e Durval S1
EP 3 - As Dores Do Crescimento
Mário searches for Geraldo Meirelles and asks him to give José and Durval a chance. Already as the Chitãozinho and Xororó brothers, they experience the electric guitar for the first time.

As Aventuras de José e Durval S1
EP 4 - Tudo Ou Nada
As Aventuras de José e Durval S1
EP 4 - Tudo Ou Nada
Having financial and family problems, José and Durval give up on music, but something inspires them to continue. The brothers meet Homero, a turning point in their careers.

EP 1 - Nascemos Para Cantar
2023 | 0h43

EP 2 - Infância Roubada
2023 | 0h41

EP 3 - As Dores Do Crescimento
2023 | 0h43

EP 4 - Tudo Ou Nada
2023 | 1h